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The Seeds Have Been Sown!

Shut the front door! In less than 24 hours a wedding consultation has been booked due to the lovely new Peppermint & Peony website.

We called ourselves the 'late night latte trio' designing and editing for the new website over months of discussions. Two totally different designs and so much hard work later we could only hope it would start off so well. This is how we mean to go on.

It is always so special to hear from future brides at the start of their preparation towards the big day and knowing that my website has already been helpful to a prospective bride is great!

It's been lovely hearing your comments and feedback on the last blog about choosing a venue, and I'm feeling very inspired to post more about my hints and tips for planning your big day, as well as floristry trends and ideas. I've got some upcoming bridal visits to venues across the Cotswolds, so I'll be sure to take some photos and keep you posted!


Peppermint & Peony.

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